Attend St. Paul's?

We All Have Questions

Christianity Explored is a way to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening environment over seven weeks. Our next course is coming soon. Please register you interest now and we’ll be in touch with course details.

Next CE Course

Conversations about the Meaning of Life

What am I here for? What is my purpose in Life? How does Christianity answer these questions? Come and enjoy an evening of food, discussion, and making new friends. This is a safe environment where you can ask whatever question you like or not say a word. No one will ever call on you. And the whole thing is free!

What to Expect

Over seven sessions, we will look to the book of Mark in the bible to find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ. Each session includes:


Food has a way of bringing us together and creating good conversation. We start with food so we can get to know each other!

Video & Talks

Videos and talks are designed to raise important questions and inspire conversation and seek to answer important questions. Topics include:

  • Good News – What is Christianity?
  • Identity – Who is Jesus?
  • Sin – Why did Jesus come?
  • The Cross – Why did Jesus die?
  • Resurrection – Why did Jesus rise from the dead?
  • Grace – How can God accept us?
  • Come & Die – What does it mean to follow Jesus?


The discussion is the most important part of Christianity Explored. It’s a chance to interact with the talk and share your perspective in a safe environment. You can ask whatever question you like or not say a word. No one will ever call on you. ​

What's the best news you've ever heard?

Was it surprising? Did it change the way you think? Or was it something you wanted to be true but didn't dare hope? Discover how the extraordinary claim of the Christian faith is the best news you'll ever hear.

Hear from others who have experienced the Christianity Explored course

All kinds of people explore Christianity. These videos and blogs tell the real-life stories of a range of people who came to know and love Jesus for themselves.

"We attended out of curiosity. What we discovered there about God’s love for us changed our lives forever. The restlessness in me has stilled and I have a clear view of my identity, purpose and eternal destination as
part of God’s plan."
- Stephanie
"Though I was nervous, I felt compelled to find out more. Through the course, I learned about Jesus, who He is, and why He came. I learned what Christianity really was. "
- Natasha
"Throughout the course, I was challenged by the gospel, and I realised that I am by no means “good” in God’s standard. If we believe in Christ, we will have eternal life, and death will no longer keep its hold on us."
- Xichen

Register for Christianity Explored!

We'd love to see you at
Christianity Explored.

Summer at St. Paul's | From 5 January - 2 February, join us on Sundays for one service only at 10AM.

Join us for our Sunday Service at 10AM only this week.

This Christmas we invite you to celebrate the gift of Jesus with us.

Join us Sunday, November 3rd for one service at 10AM and a celebration lunch to follow!