Whatever your story,
we're glad you're here.
A church in Chatswood glorifying God
as we
treasure Jesus, together,
for the joy of all people.
What We’re Like at St Paul’s
St. Paul's Anglican Church is an authentic community of Christians who are joyfully following Jesus in the Chatswood area.
Diverse & United in Jesus
Only the good news of Jesus Christ unites people from all ages and backgrounds. We are a diverse Church yet are united as one in Jesus. There is one body, one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one hope, one baptism, one God and Father of all.
Together Language
In our diverse city, English is used by locals as a bridge between our many languages. At St. Paul’s consider English our together language in our leading, communications and gatherings. We also lead Community Groups in the many heart languages of our community.
Growing Disciples
We have a deep desire to grow as disciples of our Lord Jesus. We follow Jesus’ call in Mark 8:34 to take up our cross and follow Him into a living, personal and saving relationship with Him. At St. Paul’s we are building a Biblical, relational culture of making disciples, so all people know the joy of a life following in the footsteps of our Saviour.
Loving Our City
We are committed to engaging in the work of representing Jesus to a lost world. Our response to God’s generosity to us overflows in sacrificial service of our community and we seek to show God’s love in ways that address the needs of our local community to make an impact for good in people’s lives.
Servant Leadership
We believe that all leadership in the church is at its heart service of God and others. Following the example of Jesus, our leaders seek to selflessly nourish, pastor and equip those they lead. Our vocational leaders equip members for ministry through teaching and preaching the Bible, modelling Godly character and training in skills and use of gifts.
What's On at St. Paul's
We would love for you to join us!

Christianity Explored
What’s the greatest news you’ve ever heard? Explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening environment over seven weeks.